RR Motorworks

Ask Bob!

September 2002

One speed forward, five in reverse?

I am interested in dropping an Integra type R engine in my car. My friend wrecked his and since the engine sustained no damage, I was wondering if I could possibly fit that bad boy in my 91 Miata. If at all possible, what kind of task am I lookin at here. Also, do I have to worry about the rear end drive axle being damaged because of the significant horsepower gain??

Andy Pino, Orlando, fl, United states

Disregarding the physical difficulty in getting the Miata transmission to mate up to the Honda engine, you'll have to determine if you really want a car with five speeds in reverse and one forward. The Honda's crankshaft rotates the reverse direction of the Miata's. Considering that reverse (which becomes the only forward gear in an Integra-powered Miata) is the lowest ratio in the Miata transmission, I don't think you'll have to worry about overstressing the differential. Well, unless you intend to drive real fast going backwards in one of the five reverse gears. In which case you'll learn - quite dramatically - why cars don't have rear-wheel steering.


Maybe it'd stay on if the the Miata used a couple of 'D' cells

I have a 1990 Miata. My question is about the electric fans and when they are supposed to turn on. I know that when I turn my A/C compressor on the extra fan kicks in. However, when the engine is hot and I turn the thing off, I don't hear the fan running unless I turn the key to the on position. Then, it runs until I turn the key off. Should the fan be running when the engine is hot for a few minutes after I turn the engine off?

Joey Waters, Atlanta, GA

Some companies choose to have the fans continue to run after the ignition is switched off, others do not. Mazda is and has bee in the later group. Given the Miata's petite battery, that's probably a good thing.


C'mon, don't spoil the surprise

I have had 2 Miatas. 97 and currently 2000. I am looking for the designs being considered for the next style change, and cannot find them anywhere. Can you help?

jl, saint louis mo

You'll have to look a long, long time or wait some more since

A) The design selection process hasn't yet been finished

B) Car companies normally don't release info on future designs till they're ready to go on sale, especially in the case where a currently offered model is involved

C) It wouldn't be a surprise if they let people know and everybody loves a surprise.


Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I am a proud owner of a 1997 Miata Montego blue Limited Edition. I would like to know the next generation of this fantastic car will look like?I have been so much disappointed to see the pictures of the new MX5 on the website:www.miata.net, there is no continuity of style between the current model M2 and to be honest I think it really looks really ugly. I hope Mazda will change idea and this will stay as only a bad dream. I wish long life at the Miata and I hope it will never change what it has always worked so good all these years since 1989. Why they do not offer the current model with the same engine of 1,8 liter but turbocharged at 200 CV? Thank you in advance and best regards to you who have really changed the way of making a true sportscar. Thank you

maurizio, Italy

I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while, since the design process is nowhere near being finalised. And you can forget each and every one of the 'scoop' MX-5 photographs and drawings which have appeared in magazines - since Mazda hasn't even decided which of the three design themes its going to use.

Don't worry, but be patient. I have a strong feeling that the NC will be a very worthy car.


And Bob can sell you an attractive bridge in Sydney Harbour

Do the toilets REALLY flush the other way down there. Does this in any way affect our cars?

Ray, Santa Monica, CA

Yup. No, not yours. But it makes the Aussie ones a bit quicker thanks to Coriolis Effect upon the 'swirl' of the intake charge in the combustion chamber.


I have a 1997 Miata. My two part question, could I fit the 1999 air intake manifold on my car. Will it give me the improvements that the 99 Miata gets from the redesign for low end grunt?

Walter Labucki, Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada

A) You could.

B) Any benefits would be incremental at best unless the engine management system were installed at the same time so the engine would know what to so with the variable-tract runners.


Say what you really mean Bob

Hi Bob. Will there ever be another car at any price, that will be as beautiful or pure in form as the 1990-1997 Miata? After two years of ownership, my second favorite hobby is just looking at my 1995 in the drive way. My favorite pastime is of course driving it.

Adalberto Amador, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

There will be if I have anything to do about it.


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5 September, 2002

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