Redline Autoparts

Ask Bob!

May/June 2003

Oh no...not groceries again!

Dear Bob,
My 1996 Miata's cruise control isn't working....I would like to know "How much does it cost to have it fixed?"

Valerie, Wellsburg,WV

It's just like the cost of a bag of groceries. The cost of the groceries depends entirely upon what's inside. The cruise control repair cost will depend specifically upon what's gone wrong with it.

Just as a grocery bag full to the top with cans of Hormel Chili will cost less than the same bag chock-a-block with Porterhouse steaks, a bad fuse or connector with the cruise control will be cheaper to rectify than if the throttle actuator has failed and needs to be replaced.

So in the case of the cost of the bag of groceries or cruise control repair, 'it all depends'. Sorry I cannot be more precise, but I am afraid that is the nature of the situation.


But if they ever do ask...

Bob,have you, and the powers that be at Mazda, ever considered a Bob Hall edition Miata? Maybe in Laguna blue? As Carroll Shelby is to the Cobra, you could be to the Miata. Just one thing I would ask. NO MORE MICA COLORS!

Doug Martens, Vancouver, British Columbia

They've never asked me, though it'd be fun. While I am not sure what I'd do, I know it certainly wouldn't be another leather-lined chrome-wheeled conveyance.


Make that a round trip. And Qantas economy class is just fine.

Browsing through the "Worst Of", I noticed that many replies involved giving you call in Australia, or to shipping to and from Australia. Have you gotten silly questions from Aussies, given the same reply, and been taken up on the offer? Or even had someone stateside try and take you up on your intercontinental offer?

Owen, Columbus,OH,USA

No, by-and-large the Aussies tend to have a far lower hit rate on the sort of queries guaranteed to make the 'Worst Of'. As an aside, the single biggest wad of the really dim questions are from Hotmail accounts.

As regards the stateside 'invites', none has eventuated so far, which is a pity. I could use the frequent flyer miles.


Pithy? You mean like this one?

Do you write the pithy witty titles over the questions? I've always imagined that newspaper editors come up with the headlines a la Perry White rather than the reporters. Does Gary write yours?

Jeff, Rhode Island

We take turns.


Fill 'er up?

I noticed on the brochure for new Miatas it says that they take premium unleaded, but I believe the original Miata did not. Do you know what year this changed, and why (perhaps the 1.6 to 1.8 liter migration?)? thanks!

Phil, Rochester, NY, USA

Changes to the engine management system and an increase in compression ratio - effective with 2001 and later cars triggered the move to premium unleaded.


Whaddya mean beauty isn't objective?

Miata Transmission - Smooth or Notchy??

I've talked with folks that say the Miata trans is purposely notchy, especially the M1s. I've talked with others that rave about the smooth performance of the Miata trans. What gives? Is there a quality problem, or do they sometimes get notchy over time, or is this all just perception?

Eric Beckman, Raleigh/NC/USA

I suspect it's a lot like the concept of 'beautiful'; it all depends upon an individual's reference points. I consider the gearchange of a 5-speed Miata near-idea, based on my own preference and vis-a-vis other cars I have owned and driven. And I haven't encountered an enormous amount of variation from Miata-to-Miata.


It is called "Ask Bob!" for a reason...

Just purchased Miata. Check engine light was on. Dealer supposedly fixed oxygen sensor. 24 hours later light comes back on but blinks at 80 mph.

jackie Davis, Johnson City TN

While I don't see a single question in there, I'll take a stab in the dark and suggest you visit whoever performed the alleged repair work. If that fails, look for another mechanic for a 'second opinion'.


Whaddya mean slow?

Bob, I really can't afford a turbo, or supercharger. I have an air intake and exhaust and it feels like I'm getting a tad more power, but what can I do to the motor to give it more juice? Injectors, cam job, are there alternatives, or is force injection my only choice. I really don't need super power, just a bit more. Thanx for you time..

Jay, San Diego, CA USA

Well, that's your call. I am no fan of forced induction - but then I think the car has plenty of power with the right exhaust and intake - so as a result am not predisposed to recommend it to anyone. A good cat-back system, header and properly low-restriction intake with some timing tweaks and a properly remapped chip or MoTeC unit is enough to make me happy.

I'm sorry it's not enough for you.


Bad things come to those who wait

I have less than 40K miles on my Miata (99 silver). I did the 30K mile service in April last year and my cooling system broke down right afterwards. I replaced it (my warranty was over) and it has broken down twice after that (both times replaced free as its covered by parts warranty). Now the A/C condenser too fell apart and had to be replaced.

How do I find out if I got a bad piece (Lemon?). Should I be contacting Mazda directly

Hari, Dallas, TX

If I had been in your shoes I would have contacted them on the second system failure and not waited a moment.


LeMans? Is that near Daytona or Indy?

Back in 1991, Mazda became the first (and, so far, only) Japanese manufacturer to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Do you think that Mazda missed a great marketing opportunity for it's sporty cars (Miata & RX-7) and why?

Hector, Seattle

It's been promoted - heavily - in the markets where the fact makes a difference to buyers. However the US isn't one of those markets. No marketing opportunity missed, just one optimized for the best bang-for-the advertising buck.


Shouldn't this have been in that 'special' collection of "Ask Bob!" questions?

What does bwob stand for?

Rick Morris, Indianapolis IN USA



Well, maybe the last one didn't belong in the "special" collection, but this one...

Do you have a Roo bumper on your Miata?

Mike, Port Charlotte/FL/USA

Nope. But I've got a similar question since you live in Florida; how old a retiree are are you and why don't you have better driving skills?


Back to Ask Bob!

25 April, 2003

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