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Miatas Across the World PlaqueMiatas Across America / Miatas Around the World

The SoCalm Challange

This is where we'd like to post the MAA/MAW log and photos. So far, we're not doing too well getting the information. We'll post what we know so far. Please help us keep this thing alive!

For more information, see the SoCalm Challange info.

certificate.jpg (15370 bytes)Participants can get this official certificate for participating. The following information needed by Paul along with $5 to cover the expenses:

  1. Name of driver and passenger (if there was one)
  2. Date of the event
  3. Distance covered (miles/kilometers)
  4. Starting point location
  5. Ending point location
  6. Log book entry number

Contact Paul Williamson for details!

The Complete Miatas Across the World Log Book

Date Location Photo Notes
26 Oct 1999 Savannah, GA weiland.jpg (75481 bytes) Frank Weiland
25 Oct 1999 Charleston, SC tietz.jpg (86507 bytes) Dave Tietz 
24 Oct 1999 Rosman, NC  durham.jpg (106350 bytes) Jess & Sandra Dunham
23 Oct 1999 Tapoco, NC brewer.jpg (84620 bytes) Dick & Ruth Brewer
22 Oct 1999 Stone Mountain, GA barker.jpg (86834 bytes) Pam & John Barker
21 Oct 1999 Thomasville, GA balgenorth.jpg (61397 bytes) John Balgneorth
20 Oct 1999 Venice, FL starke.jpg (86199 bytes) John Starke
19 Oct 1999 Ockeechobee, FL dstorm.jpg (88002 bytes) Dee Storm
30 Sep 1999 Universal Studios, Florida BijouMAA2.jpg (21879 bytes) Universal Studios' new Hotel Portifino
27 Sep 1999 Somewhere in Florida sympamaa3.jpg (23657 bytes) Bonnie Glyda returning home from antiquing and clocking some miles
25 Sep 1999 Ocala, Florida ken3.jpg (22009 bytes) CFMC event at Sullivan Mazda.
4 Sept, 1999 St. Avold, France stavold.jpg (27532 bytes) The badge made its rounds at the Dutch MX-5 Challange!
29 August, 1999 Marburg, Germany marburg.jpg (49067 bytes) The first appearance of the MAA/MAW badge in Europe. It lasted all of 10 minutes before it was lost, though it was replaced within the week!
9 May, 1999 Texas Motor Speedway, Miata World '99 revjim_small.jpg (2047 bytes) Reverend Jim carries the torch at Miata World '99 in Dallas.
6 May, 1999 Jack Sherman Mazda in Midland, Texas stevespain.jpg (54396 bytes) Steve Spain, founder of the West Texas Chapter Miata club signs SOCALM's Miata Across the World banner.
1 May, 1999 The starting point: Mazda Design Center, Irvine, CA tommatano.jpg (43271 bytes) Tom Matano & Zack Broadbent

101 Miatas - by Zack Broadbent

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21 December, 2000

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