The Miata/MX5 of the Month from

May 1997 Dave Thomas' Laguna Blue at Summit Point Raceway - October, 1996

Dave Thomas

Congratulations to Dave on the selection of his Laguna Blue Miata as our May Miata of the Month!

I bought my first Miata in January, 1990 shortly after seeing one at the Philadelphia Auto Show in late 1989. They were still hard to get back then and I was thrilled to find one in Mariner Blue, especially since blue seemed rarer than the only other original stock colors of red and white. Always wanted to be "different". Shortly thereafter, I customized it by putting on body side moulding strips (to prevent door dings) and matching "fading" pinstripes, which people seemed to love or hate. But I didn't care, my Miata was different and no dings!

Pocono SpeedwayIn the summer of 1990, I attended my first Delaware Valley Miata Club meeting and soon became hooked, eventually becoming vice president and then president in 1994. There was nothing like caravaning with dozens of Miatas through country roads, mountains, covered bridges, and the like. Some exciting memories include going to a few performance driving schools with the club at Pocono Raceway - one in a torrential downpour! Nothing like a little hydroplaning at 75mph! Actually got a new respect for my car and how it handled in adverse conditions (fabulously).

Another fun thing I did with the club was drive beauty contestants in the Miss Delaware Pageant parade (mine won the first year!). I must admit, I was surprised when the second year's contestant climbed into my car and up onto the back deck in a minidress! I swear - I didn't adjust my mirror! ; )

Miss Delaware


A-one-a-and-a-two-a...I got my second Miata in November, 1994 - used ! Seems the original owner was afraid of the upcoming winter. What the owner didn't realize is that he had a rare Laguna Blue with tan leather interior (only 341 of 2,359 Laguna Blues had tan interiors). I had heard about their short supply from Vince Tidwell, President of MCA, who flew all the way to Texas to get one and drove it back to his home of Atlanta. I snapped it up (gotta be different) and actually had two Miatas in the driveway until I sold my first baby a few months later.

In addition to a few more track events, numerous autocrosses, and dozens of caravans, my second Miata has now made it to two National Events - Cleveland's Rock'n'Roll Miata Rally and Miata 96 in Toronto. Both were a blast and I highly recommend you all go to one (I hear there's one in the Pocono Mountains, PA in the summer of '98). One of the true highlights of owning this car was being "in" the New York Auto show at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center for the unveiling of the M Coupe concept car. My car, along with 11 others represented all the colors and limited editions of Miatas put out since inception and were lined up for Mazda dignitaries and the press. Everyone from Road and Track to the Today Show to USA Today to the Montgomery County (PA) Newspaper (who interviewed me!) were there. A very exciting and memorable moment!

Its my car, but "our" Miata is a family affair. My wife enjoys going on scenic drives, but now has a hard time getting seat space since our 4 1/2 year old son, Evan, is a Miata fanatic! Some of his first words were "keys" and "go"! He and I frequently go on long drives with or without the club, and he also has quite a Miata toy collection. Here he is in a Christmas card my wife Marianne and I sent out in 1995.

Some particulars about my my '94 Laguna Blue Package C:

Thats about it. Like most of you, owning my Miata(s) has profoundly changed my life - for the better! Thanks to for allowing me to share it with you. And, please remember, when you're out there with your Miata - keep the shiny side up!

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