
Jeff Anderson Radio Repair

OEM Repair by Jeff Anderson

[7/29/2019] Reviewed by: michael zilinek

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

I have a 1991 BRG with a stock Radio. Asked around and was told JA was the guy to contact.

Jeff is VERY thorough about his needs to effect a proper repair. After about 2 weeks the radio returned by magic and I works better than ever.

Besides JA complete service I also opted for the audio jack for my Samsung. Great job and well worth the money.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Miata OEM Radio Repair

[8/19/2017] Reviewed by: Brian Hull

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

NA Miata OEM radio repair by Jeff Anderson: push buttons, back-lighting, bass response, auxiliary input port, headrest speaker wiring, display

I’m the original owner of a ’90 Miata. After more than 25 years of use, the push buttons on my OEM radio began to have intermittent problems, and I noticed some of the back-light lamps were burned out. I finally got around to scheduling a repair of my radio with Jeff this spring, and my only regret is that I should have done it much sooner. In addition to repairing the push buttons and replacing the lamps with LEDs, Jeff added a fix to increase bass response and an aux port. I also had him build a wiring harness for a new set of headrest speakers, and he even polished the face of the display. Jeff was responsive via email, keeping me informed throughout. I got the radio back less than a week after I shipped it to him and its back in the car sounding better than ever. Thanks Jeff!

Great value for the service provided.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson Radio Repair

[7/28/2013] Reviewed by: Saba Araj

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

Jeff Anderson's radio service

Very Pleased

I bought my 94 Miata about 6 months ago. It had an after market radio installed but the OEM radio was in the trunk. One of my first projects was to reinstall the OEM radio. I was not sure if it would even work but it did although with problems. I would occasionally lose one of my channels or have static intermittently and had either no sound or intermittent sound out of my headrest speakers. I really wanted to keep the OEM look and set out on a search for repair services. I came across Jeff Anderon's radio repair service here on the Miata.net forum. Not only was I thrilled to see that someone is out there who can fix these radios, but I was also impressed by the positive feedback. I contacted Jeff and we arranged to have the radio shipped to him. I have the radio back and installed and can't be more thrilled with the results. Not only did Jeff fix all of the problems that the radio had, he also fixed my weak headrest speaker sound, increased my base range, and installed an MP3 adaptor to allow me to connect my iPod directly. I also bought a set of HR speakers from Jeff since mine were the original factory ones that gave out poor sound. My radio now sounds great and I can actually hear my headrest speakers even at highway speeds. Besides the great workmanship, Jeff was responsive to my questions and took time to answer emails clearly and with the requisite detail (and I sent him several emails to make sure I was clear on what he did and what to expect). The best thing that you can do for your radio is have Jeff service it for you.

Not an installed item

Jeff Anderson NA Radio Service

[6/30/2013] Reviewed by: Mike Kraus

Applicable to: 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

OEM radio service. Expanded bass level. Balance adjustment for headrest speakers that actually works. External plug for iPod or other audio devices. Cleaning of tape deck and belt replacement.

The 95M did not come with headrest speakers so I was missing a lot when driving at highway speeds. Jeff not only improved the capability of the OEM radio, he provided me with headrest speakers and the wiring harnesses to make the audio system complete. What a difference! If your NA factory radio has not felt Jeff Anderson's magical touch, I highly recommend that you give it a lot of consideration. Especially if you are considering an aftermarket replacement.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson Radio Repair

[3/11/2011] Reviewed by: Elliott Peeler - jelliott@mindless.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Repair/Modification of factory installed Miata Radio/Tape unit. Services performed included: Headrest Wiring fix, Bass Boost Mod, repair of intermittent left and right channel sound, repair of radio squealing sound, replacement of all incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. Headrest wiring harness for cars with no factory installed headrest speakers. Addition of Line in cable for connecting iPod/MP3 devices.

All modifications were performed as expected. Repairs made and radio is now operating like new and with features that were not available from the factory. Sound is much improved with Bass Boost Modification. I cannot comment on the Headrest correction mod itself since I had no headrest speakers previously. Also ordered a set of 4 headrest speakers that Jeff had available. The headrest speakers he sells aren't going to win any competitions but they aren't designed for that and they do exactly what you need them to do for a very reasonable price. His headrest speaker wiring harness is worth every penny of the modest price he charges for it since it plugs directly in to the radio with a factory style connector, thus saving the owner from having to cobble up something that will be both ugly (not that you can see it) and unreliable. Adding the headrest speakers was truly plug and play with Jeff's products.

I don't know that I can say enough good things about the service I received from Jeff. I was late getting my radio in the mail to him and he still turned it around very quickly even though his schedule is very full. My radio was a disaster with both channels going in and out constantly and half of the bulbs being burned out. Everything works perfectly now and Jeff even fixed the flaky LCD display. What revelation it is to finally have headrest sound after 20 years of owning my Miata. I didn't want to have to resort to an ill fitting, out of place looking theft magnet to replace my factory radio and thankfully, Jeff is out there offering those of us who appreciate the factory look an alternative to going that route. Jeff was always communicative, keeping me in the loop with what was going on with my repairs from the time he received my radio to the day he shipped it back to me. I couldn't be happier with my experience.

Not an installed item

Original OEM Miata Radio - Jeff Anderson Radio Repair

[9/26/2010] Reviewed by: Mitch Dwoskin

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Jeff Anderson Radio Repair

I had intermittent static coming from my left channel of my original 90 Miata radio plus the cassette deck was no longer working. I had sent my radio into Jeff before so I trusted his service and went back to him. Jeff could not reproduce the intermittent issue even after extensive testing (including putting in the freezer to duplicate cold conditions). He did do alot of reconditioning work and when I got the radio back i was amazed at the difference in sound quality. So far after a month I have not had the return of the intermittent static i was getting and the cassette deck works fine. All of this done for a very reasonable price. Jeff's commitment to customer satisfaction is very rare this day and age and he does excellent work. I would highly recommend his service for anyone that wants to keep the stock radio. He did my initial service getting the headrest speakers correct. Thanks Jeff!

Not an installed item

Jeff Anderson's radio service

[3/12/2009] Reviewed by: Daniel Born - born_daniel@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Repair/improvement of the 90-97 OEM radio. Bulb replacement, Bass boost and Full-range headrest speaker output modification.

Work done as promised. I am fully satisfied with Jeff's work. It is a very nice alternative to replacing your aging Miata radio for a very reasonable cost. The sound improvement is very noticeable especially when combined with a speaker replacement. I shipped my radio to Jeff (from Canada), he fixed it and shipped it right back to me in no time. No hassles.

Jeff is a really nice guy to deal with. He tried really hard to accommodate my schedule and wishes. He even went above and beyond, repairing some cracked solder joints in the radio.

Not an installed item

Jeff Anderson's Radio Fix

[3/7/2009] Reviewed by: Rick Beaumont - rick92f@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Jeff Anderson's radio fix. Replace lamps, adjust HR speaker output, Aux-in, add power antenna capability, Max5 speakers and harness

I sent off my poorly functioning, stock, Panasonic radio to have it refreshed. My radio came back within a week of receipt and works wonderfully. The quality of the long harness and Max5 speakers is great too. All output channels work great and the display is illuminated properly now.

For anyone wanting to keep their stock radio for whatever reason, the radio service performed by Mr.Anderson is great. My radio is perfect for my needs. I would do it again in a second!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson Radio Mods

[3/16/2008] Reviewed by: Frank Caba - caba2@comcast.net

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Humidity power switch repair, Headrest reconfiguration, bass response boost, and MP3 Aux in cable installation.

I reinstalled my radio after receipt back from Jeff on Saturday, having performed the headrest wiring reconfig while he had it to work with. The sound is so much better than before I am wishing I had done this years ago. Jeff is the consumate professional and performs his service and instruction with great talent and patience.

I had originally planned on having the aux in pigtail with the 1/8" stereo mini jack come out under the console on the gearbox hump and changed it with a 1/2" hole I drilled in the upper right top of the cubby box just below the radio ubit. While usually very reluctant to permanently make cosmetic changes to my baby, the hole is invisible from the driver's/passenger view and could be repaired/replaced with little cost or difficulty. The MP3 plugs in and rests in the cubby and holds my most of my music library without the clutter and storage problem of tapes/CD's. A wonderful modification I will enjoy everytime I turn the key....Thanks again, Jeff

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Jeff Anderson Radio Fix

[3/15/2008] Reviewed by: Jim Preuss - preuss2@charter.net

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Jeff Anderson Radio Fix including bass range extension, on/off fix, MP3 input addition, MAX-5 headrest speaker replacement and HR wiring fix.

If you have an NA with the orginal radio/tape, you MUST send it to Jeff for his upgrades. He was prompt and always responded quickly and completely to my emails. I re-installed my radio/tape today and the difference is night and day! While my hearing isn't the best (too much Rock and Roll and too many airplanes), I can hear a world of difference between the before and after. The head rest speakers come alive now and really sound good. The best part is that I can load my iPod shuffle with any tunes I like and play it through my sound system. The original appearance of the radio/tape player is preserved with much better sound an functionality. Jeff's instructions were spot-on and well-written.

Removing and installing the radio/tape was fairly straightforward. The only problem I had was with the brittle plastic in the dash center section that I had to glue back together in several places. I also had a problem with some bogus wiring that some PO has fooled around with in the head rest speakers. Certainly not a problem of Jeff's. With a little patience and minimal expense, I have a terrific sounding system!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Radio Service

[8/5/2007] Reviewed by: Jeff Lane - miata@jefflane.org

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Simple: You remove your crappy sounding factory radio. You mail it to Jeff Anderson. Jeff works his magic and mails radio back to you. You reinstall radio (and hopefully use Jeff's instructions to correct headrest wiring). You drive around listening to amazing audio from a factory setup that sounds as good, if not far better, than a similar aftermarket setup.

Absolutely amazing. I actually picked up a set of Max-5 speakers and a new factory radio from Jeff at the MATG this year. He was kind enough to do the entire thing while teaching me about audio and electronics as well. I helped him as much as I could and together, we installed Max-5 speakers, he rewired the headrest wires and we installed the Fixed factory head unit. The results are ASTOUNDING!!! Even with my blown door speakers, the difference was incredible. Now that I have some new door speakers installed, the difference is even greater!

Jeff Anderson is truely a magician with these factory radios. And as for typcial Miata maintanence and upgrades, you get incredible bang for your buck out of his work. I now have an amazing sounding stereo package, all the lights work, all the speakers work and work correctly (I never knew how good the HR speakers could sound until I sat in Jeff's NA) AND I have an external input that works great with my iPod, CB, FRS, and even my Ham Radio.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Radio Fix

[7/23/2007] Reviewed by: Marc Primiani - broondog@gmail.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Service of factory head unit to increase bass response, add auxiliary audio input (iPod), replace factory unit lamps, replace factory headrest speakers with Jax-5/Max-5 headrest speakers, direct wire Sony CDX 1000CD player and repair tape drive. Applicable to: '90-'97

Excellent service and best money you will spend on your Miata

Like others, my factory CD player had stopped working and all of my attempts to interface an iPod with the factory head unit (FM tuner / cassette hookup) were unsatisfactory. I did a little research and it sounded like Jeff Anderson was the solution. Was he ever! I contacted Jeff and he gave me my options. I located a Sony CDX 1000 CD player to replace the broken factory unit. With Jeff's instructions, I removed the factory head unit and CD player and sent the head unit to Jeff for the "works". One of the big issues with the factory radio evidently is the improper factory wiring. Jeff has come up with a simple process for the owner to record the wiring information allowing Jeff to "remotely" fix the problem. In a subsequent email, Jeff clearly laid out the changes needed to be made to the wiring necessary to get the best sound out of the gear and speakers. In the meantime, Jeff repaired the head unit, added new lamps (you can't believe how much brighter the display is after lamp replacement), added an iPod auxiliary hookup and repaired my tape drive. But the best improvement was the increase bass response coupled with replacing the headrest speakers. Unbelievable difference!! I kid you not, anyone would be a fool not to make these modifications. Finally, Jeff was a pleasure to deal with on every level and managed to make all of the stuff that I had to do easy. Highly recommended!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Radio Fix

[12/18/2006] Reviewed by: David Simons - davidsimons@illinoisalumni.org

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter


So how many people review upgrades years later? This is one of those reviews. I am still enjoying the changes that Jeff made to the OEM radio. The AUX input to the radio has been a cool iPod connecter that is a much better solution than the FM tuner products on the market. The bass control range increase has greatly improved the sound to the headrest speakers. The years of use has shown these changes to be very dependable and great value added.

Jeff is one of the reasons it is a pleasure to own my 1994 Miata. He has been a great resource to the Miata community. Added fidelity and functionality using the same boxes - nice.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

[7/20/2006] Reviewed by: RICK PRICE - rick.price@coair.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Mazda stock Miata radio & Sony CDX 1000 CD player

I recently became the owner of a '91 Mazda Miata. Along with a few other things, the radio needed a major overhaul. I thought about going aftermarket, but then I started reading reviews regarding the radios through Miata.net and decided to seek out the help of Jeff Anderson, who seemed to be the Miata radio guru.

I sent my radio, which had a multitude of problems, to Jeff Anderson. He had all of the items repaired in no time, and he also re-wired it to accept a direct plug-in capability of a Sony CDX 1000 CD player. He included in his very reasonable price a set of Max-5 headrest speakers, and provided me detailed instructions on how to re-wire the faulty factory wiring to the headrest speakers. I can't believe the difference in what I had to what I now have. I can now hear my headrest speakers loud and clear with the top down buzzing along the highway. I knew it had passed the ultimate test when my 17-yr old son, who is trying to steal my car away from me, approved of the sound system. Jeff, you're a genius!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

[11/2/2004] Reviewed by: Sam Bostaph - bostaph@udallas.edu

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

Jeff Anderson's modification of the stock radio, replacement of the stock CD player and replacement of headrest speakers and headrest wiring modification.

The stock headrest speakers in my '94 were difficult to hear at speed, they didn't produce stereo and the stock CD player was unrepairable when it broke. Front speakers went in and out over road bumps.

Thank God, the CD player broke and I heard about Jeff Anderson's radio modification. I sent Jeff the radio and he fixed the on/off problem, the internal problem that caused random cutouts in the door speakers, replaced all the lights and modified the radio to produce better sound. He suggested a Sony CD player to replace the unobtainable stock one; sold me Jax-5 speakers for the headrest; and gave me directions for correct wiring to the headrest speakers and installation of the radio/CD player combo and the new Jax-5 speakers. The sound I get now is unbelievable compared to what existed before Jeff's fix. For the money, there's no better solution to stock radio problems.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

[5/23/2004] Reviewed by: Benjamin Fields

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

The Jeff Anderson EZUSA service & Aux Input. The EZUSA service includes his famous headrest speaker adjustment, a bass range increase, radio lamp refresh, and a set of 4 JAX-5/MAX-5 headrest speakers. I also ordered a set of long harness headrest wiring to fit my 1991 Miata. The Aux Input is a relatively new addition of a male headphone-sized jack so the user can directly connect a mp3 player, satellite radio, laptop audio, 8-track deck, etc, directly to the radio without the loss of audio clarity from cassette tape adapters.

Breathes new life into the OEM radio! This was the first "mod" I did with my Miata. After a short and informative email exchange with Mr. Anderson, the final price & ship date was arranged. Using his easy to follow instructions, I removed my radio, packed it carefully, and sent it his way. When the radio returned, I drove to my friend's house for extra help reinstalling the radio and wiring the headrest speakers. Everything finished, I tested the new setup by turning on a jazz station. The sound put out by the new system is awesome. It's not a powerful system, but it provides clean, rock solid sound. And that's exactly what I wanted. The lows are low, the mids are mid, the highs are high. The aux input is very useful. Mr. Anderson provided about a foot and a half or so of cable, enough to place the plug just about wherever I wanted. There is a bit of interference when I power my mp3 and XM radio via the cigg-lighter, but an addition of a Ground Loop Isolator should solve that issue.

This service is, in my humble opinion, practically required for all Miata owners who wish to keep their OEM radio.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

[5/7/2004] Reviewed by: Chris Jeffries - miata@chrisjeffries.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Another great service from Jeff Anderson! He'll take your mild-mannered Miata radio, fiddle with it, and give you back The Trunk of Funk!

My radio now has pretty much every mod Jeff Anderson does. This latest one, the bass boost, gets better every day. I swear, with certain music my little factory radio really kicks out serious bass - MUCH more bass than before the mod. The bass is clear and strong - it's truly amazing that he's coaxed so much out of the factory radio.

Trust me - just get every mod Jeff Anderson does and buy the JAX/MAX-5 headrest speakers. You will be very happy you did. As a result of Jeff's work, my stereo really amazes me - I can't believe how good it sounds.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

[3/25/2004] Reviewed by: Richard Schwartz - YATAGON41@aol.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Stock Panasonic AM/FM cassett radio. MAX5 headrest speakers

After reading about the 95m edition headrest installation procedure, I decided I would try it. The problem was, if I was going to go through all of the trouble of doing this modification I wanted it to "sound" good when I was finished. I was able to buy a set of used MAX5s from somebody I knew. I had read all about the miss wired speaker wires, so I wanted Jeffs' corrected set. Also I wanted a few of the modifications Jeff offers. Jeff performed all of the modifications to my radio for a very reasonable price. The results are OUTSTANDING. While Jeff had my radio, he discovered that Panasonic had improperly assembled my radio. He was able to fix that problem too, by using some parts he had from some of his spare/donated radios. For the first time my radio's sound could be heard. It didn't sound thin, it had some presence. I am extreamly satisfied, and wish I had sent my radio to Jeff Anderson sooner.

I would reccomend Jeff's radio modifications to anyone who has an original Miata radio. A clear and significant improvement. Jeff was very easy to communicate with, by way of email. Very clear instructions.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Radio Service

[1/18/2004] Reviewed by: George Clark - clark@magicgeorge.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Modify the factory audio system to provide rich full range sound through the headrests. This makeover consists of three essential parts. The first is a modification to the factory Panasonic radio unit that Jeff makes in his shop that sends a full frequency signal to the headrest speakers. The second step is to correct the factory out-of-phase wiring error. After you examine the plug connections in your Miata and mark the results on a form provided by Jeff, he will diagnose the modification required to correct the headrest wiring. You can make the corrections yourself using Jeff's detailed instructions, or he will make an adaptor plug for a modest cost. The third step is to replace the factory headrest speakers with ones specifically engineered to produce this full spectrum sound in the headrests. These are sold as MAX-5/JAX-5 and cost about $75 for a set of four. Jeff provides specifics on where to order them and pictorial step-by-step instructions on installation.

Great experience. Using step-by-step pictorical instructions, I now know how to partially disasemble my dashboard, remove audio components, pull apart my seat headrests, etc. Good bonding experience with my little car. Communication between Jeff Anderson and his clients is outstanding using timely emails with everthing you'll needed to know. I also took advantage of having my head unit in Jeff's shop and asked him to replace all the lamps. Should now be good to go for my Miata's next ten years.

Unlike many modifications that involve enhancing one performance parameter while degrading something else, this one has absolutely no downside. Everything looks perfectly stock, but the resulting sound improvement is nothing short of astounding. Mazda could of/should of done this at the factory. Highly recommended to all NA owners!

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Jeff Anderson radio service

[1/3/2004] Reviewed by: Chris Jeffries - miata@chrisjeffries.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Standard crossover update service, JAX5 speakers, and radio break-fix

Fantastic - the work that Jeff does is everything he promises and more. His Headrest Speaker update has transformed my Miata radio - it sounds MUCH better now. Jeff also fixed an intermittent problem with my radio's internal wiring (not the turn-on problem)

Jeff knows EVERYTHING about the Miata radio and does fantastic work. If you haven't already done so, just send your radio to Jeff to let him work his magic. You won't regret it. I highly recommend the JAX5 speakers that Jeff sells, as well.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

[4/1/2003] Reviewed by: Mike - ndangr@att.net

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

Radio modification and Max 5 H.R. speakers


The modifications Mr. Anderson provides the owners of stock radio units is nothing short of great. The original radio/headrest speakers leave almost everything to be desired. The modification offered by Jeff is worth the (little) effort and expense required. We all love our Miata's. A "new" sound system makes them even more enjoyable. Coupled with the Max 5's, the sound system rivals those costing MUCH more. The service and responses provided by Jeff are exceptionally prompt and professional. I would recommend this service without hesitation.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson Radio Fix

[2/6/2003] Reviewed by: Kevin Hennelly - hennel012000@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Modification to Miata OEM radio that permits full-range sound in the headrest speakers. The service also includes assistance in correcting the wiring to the headrest speakers to permit proper stereo imaging and phase.

Excellent. I went at this a little differently from most. I found a used OEM radio and Sony CDX-1000RF on Miata.net for a good price. (My OEM CD was shot, and I was contemplating Jeff's service on the radio.) The seller claimed the radio had been HR serviced by Jeff in September. I contacted Jeff and he very graciously confirmed that he had performed the work. He also offered to help me sort out the wiring in my car for a fair price. The HR speaker sound improved dramatically. The only problem I have is that I can now hear the poor performance of the OEM HR speakers and I will need to replace them. One is buzzing a little already.

Jeff Anderson is a great person to work with. I had many questions for him and he answered them all in a way I could understand. He also offered tips and ideas for the CD install that made that process easy and successful.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson Radio Fix

[6/5/2002] Reviewed by: KeithThue - Keith2e@netzero.net

Applicable to: '90 - '97

This is a service that is perfomed By Jeff Anderson It involves sending him your radio.

I've previously installed a Sony 10 disc CD, an inexpensive 200 watt amp and upgraded the door speakers to Polk Audio 61/2" I was skeptical at first but tried this radio fix I had read about on Miata.net. WOW am I pleased. First Jeff emailed me instructions to properly wire my factory headrest speakers. I sent my radio off for the fix.After I re-installed the radio I now get crisp, clean sound from the entire sound system with ALL the volume I want. The system sounds great with all types of music even top down highway speeds. I also can actually adjust the balance on the headrest speakers. Before i wasn't even able to hear the headrest speakers.

I would advise anyone thinking of upgrading a sound system to check this out first before trying any other upgrades.It is well worth the investment

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Jeff Anderson's Radio Repair for Headrest Speakers

[10/29/2000] Reviewed by Scott Brazell - jbrazell@infoave.net

Applicable to '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Corrects the "out of phase" problems on Mazda factory radio's. Will also replace lamps in and repair broken radio's.

My '92B's radio had a few lights out. I had inquired about getting those replaced and could not find someone that I would trust to do the work. The dealer repair cost was more than the radio was worth. I read the reviews here. I was impressed with the high regard that others had for Jeff and his repair's. I contacted him about my situation. I was very impressed with response times. Only a few minutes in most cases, a few hours in others, (his detailed rewire). I was very impressed with the diagrams. They were easy to follow and fill-in. I am very pleased with the outcome. I finally have stereo sound from the headrest speakers. The volume and bass respose is increased also. You'll need HR speakers that can handle the extra power, You won't be dissatisfied... Just do it!

The end result is a low cost, BIG bang for the buck, resolution. I HIGHLY recommend Jeff's services. If needed, I will return in the future... Thanks Jeff!

Not an installed item

[10/21/99] Reviewed by: Jim Finlayson - kfinlays@gfn.org

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Jeff Anderson's radio fix

Highly recommended and worth every penny. It is hard to believe that it is the same equipment that was in the car to start with. Jeff's instructions for radio removal and the wiring fix are excellent. You will not be disappointed.

Reviewed by: Randy Heubach - rheubach@marin.org

Headrest speaker sound upgrade

Earlier this month (March, 1999), I was experiencing a serious problem with the left stereo channel on my '94 "M" Edition factory-installed radio. (It wasn't working.) Coincidentally, the car was due for its 30,000 mile servicing, so I asked the dealer's service manager if they could look into the radio problem while they were at it.

When I picked the car up that evening, I was informed that the problem was internal and that it would cost approximately $250 to send the radio back to the factory for necessary repairs. (Fortunately, the price was high enough to give me sufficient pause to consider alternative options -- such as upgrading to an aftermarket unit of some kind -- so I left the shop with the assurance that I would "think about it.")

The next day, while perusing this web site (as I do compulsively), I rediscovered the reference to Jeff Anderson's Radio Repair service in The AWARD WINNERS category and, although his service was not specific to my problem, an exchange of E-Mails eventuated in my sending him the radio for inspection and recommendations in addition to his specific service if the radio's condition justified it.

I sent Jeff the radio via Preferred mail the following Monday (having removed it the previous day per the excellent instructions Jeff imparted via e-mail); he received, inspected, diagnosed, repaired, upgraded and returned the radio to the Postal Service on Wednesday and I got it back and reinstalled it the ensuing Saturday!

In the meantime I had made the wiring corrections Jeff had suggested (also via extremely cogent e-mail instructions) and was ready for the acid test.

AS ADVERTISED, THE IMPROVEMENT WAS ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE! The stock headrest speakers are actually LOUDER than the door speakers (at least from a seated position) and the sound quality is FANTASTIC!

I must tell you, as I did Jeff, that my mechanical skills are marginal at best but they exceed by far my electrical/electronic abilities. Nevertheless, Jeff's instructions were so clear that I had no trouble at all in removing the radio, correcting the factory miswiring of the headrest speakers and reinstalling the upgraded radio. (Poor lighting and my red-green color-blindness presented a bit of a challenge when it came to identifying certain wires, but even that was not insurmountable.)


Reviewed by: George Darby - George.Darby@Worldnet.ATT.net

Services factory Miata radios. Repairs on/off switch problems, burnt out lamps and, most importantly, corrects a phase/wiring problem inherent in the radios.

Very pleased.

I have a '90 B red Miata, the perfect machine for top-down fun in beautiful sunny southern California. After going along for years without any headrest speaker sound (OK, I did have some if you turned your head just right) and hearing so much about the magic Jeff can do with a Miata factory radio, I finally bit the bullet and sent him my unit. I had him fix the headrest wiring and replace any lights that were out (he also does this on/off switch trick which I'd already done).  Jeff discovered that my tape deck was NFG (non functional gear), and found a used replacement for me for a few extra bucks. After he sent my unit back, I sent him my existing wiring configuration, then installed my repaired unit. It sounded just OK. Then he sent me a corrected wiring configuration. After switching a few wires in the under-the-seat headrest connector, an amazing thing happened. I had sound! Music was really coming out of my seats! I can now actually balance the sound between my door speakers and my headrest speakers! Kudos to you, Mr. Anderson. You've improved the quality of my sound system 1000 fold.

Reviewed by: M Rosbrugh - viper501@mindspring.com

Jeff Anderson's Re-wire of the headrest speakers.   

Excellent. I way-laid Jeff at "Miata's At The Gap '98" just after the door prize drawing. He pulled his wiring diagrams out and rewired my headrest speakers so that I now actually have a balance control that works on the headrest speakers. It is absolutely wonderful. Jeff was great, it took him less than ten minutes and improved the sound quality of my JBL's at least ten times. I cannot say enough for him or his repair. The next step is to send the radio in for a little crossover adjustment. Jeff also managed to fix a fellow club members speakers. She had been budgeting several dollars to do a total replacement of the stock system but is now planning on keeping the factory unit.

A must do modification to the factory system, even with upgraded speakers.

Reviewed by: Keali'i Llantos - xaloha@juno.com

Jeff is a local member of the Mazda Sportscar Club of Washington DC (MSCW). When the topic of the radio dropping out (coming on at times and not at times), Jeff offered what he had discovered about the problem and how to fix it. You can get the details from him (janderso@erols.com I think) or from the Miata.net list but from what I recall it has something to do with moisture finding its way in one of the empty plugs in the back of the radio and causing it to "drop out" Tying specific ports together corrects this problem.

At any rate, I took my car to his home/garage one evening. After carefully removing the radio, he installed the "fix" within 30 minutes. While testing the system, he noticed that my headrest speakers were out of phase. I didn't know or had no idea what he was talking about until he instructed me "how to listen" to it. Sure enough, I was surprised and realized that he was right. I asked that he fix it and he did. He traced the paired wires to each headrest speaker, cut the wires, swapped them, and soldered them for a good and clean connection. The results were astounding!! I never thought the stock headrest speakers could sound this good. And to think, I was ready to dip into my son's college fund to buy the Clearwaters. Thanks Jeff!

General Comments:

The mods are an absolute MUST for those who are experiencing the radio and headrest speaker problems. I can't say enough about Jeff's technical expertise and experience. And on top of that, he and his wife Carol are wonderful people.

For a nominal fee and very little time, rock and roll never sounded better.

Info at: http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/3047/upgrades.html

Reviewed by: Jack Hourcade - hourcade@pophost.micron.net

In the stock Miata radio system only a limited frequency range (the highest frequencies) is sent to the headrest speakers. Jeff Anderson (janderso.erols.com) completes an electronic mod on the stock Miata radio which allows a significantly wider frequency range (including much more midrange and upper bass content) to reach the headrest speakers.

I contacted Jeff about the mod after reading glowing reviews of it on Miata.list. He emailed me detailed instructions on both the radio mod in general, as well as instructions on how to rewire the headrest speakers to correct an out-of-phase wiring problem. Jeff sent complete instructions on how to remove the radio, and shipping instructions via USPS Priority Mail. I sent the radio in, and received it back a week later.

Having had my '90 Miata for six months, the headrest speakers had always struck me as anemic, basically sounding like only tweeters. After the mod the headrest speakers now sound considerably fuller and louder than before. Whereas I used to have the headrest speaker level set about 3/4 of "full-on," now I keep it at about 1/3. While I wouldn't have known that they were out of phase before, they do sound in phase now. I believe that the mod offers the greatest amount of improvement for the money ($40 plus shipping). I now believe that the addition of high end headrest speakers (e.g., Clearwaters) would have much more of their potential realized.

There are only minor drawbacks to the mod. One can be tempted to have the headrest speakers "too loud" now, and given that they don't/can't reproduce real bass, the music can sound "hollow" if the new higher headrest speaker volume overwhelms the door speakers. Also, since the headrest speakers are so close together, the stereo effect is lost if the headrest speaker volume overwhelms the door speakers.

Overall, I am happy with the mod, and wonder why the stock radio isn't designed to send a wider frequency range to the headrest speakers.

Reviewed by: Steve Chambers - steve@atomicweb.com

Jeff's instructions on radio removal and installation were excellent. He serviced my radio while I waited! This service in my opinion doubles the quality of sound with the stock radio and stock speakers at a very friendly price (@$40 plus shipping)

Jeff's mod is an excellent place to start upgrading your sound system. It exceeded my expectations.

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16 October, 2019

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