MK Sportscars

Autoglym Car Glass Polish

[7/30/2008] Reviewed by: Beastie

Applicable to:

Autoglym Glass Polish is meant to remove stubborn crud from the windshield and other glass surfaces. It is not meant for plastic headlight covers.

I usually use Stoner's Invisible Glass which leaves glass of remarkable clarity. It's drawback is that there are some instances where it won't cut through the windshield dirt. This is where Autoglym Glass Polish comes in. I use a microfiber applicator, scrub the windshield a little, allow to haze and buff off with a microfiber towel. Clean glass! I may follow up with Invisible Glass just to get an extra measure of clarity but it is not necessary. These products are not really meant to supplant RainX but I do get the water slinging off the windshield effect to some extent. Don't forget to do the insides of the windshield. Cleaning the outside just reveals how cloudy the inside has become. Then get ready for some truly invisible glass. Highly recommended.

Not an installed item

Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

[7/25/2001] Reviewed by: Albert Low -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.8 liter

This is Autoglym's recommended final step after using their Resin Polish. It is meant to offer more protection and gloss. One bottle is sufficient to treat roughly 6 cars.

Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection (EGP) is a clear liquid that looks exactly like water! It has a very strong kerosene smell and is not all that unpleasant. Apply a little onto a dry cloth and spread it evenly and thinly on a perfectly polish and/or waxed surface. EGP is only for use on pristine surfaces. It cannot any stains. That's why you merely spread it on and do not need to rub it at all. Let it dry for 5 mins and buff off. Very easy to buff and there's no whitish residue.

Excellent gloss with a top-class feel. My pristine paint has always had a layer of Carnauba on it. I know how smooth it is and EGP really enhances the smoothness. It's so slick! The gloss is certainly much better than what Meguiar's products have given me in the past. As a Meguair's loyalist, I must say that Autoglym's EGP is truly a 1st class product. If your Miata has a well-polished deep colour, try EGP for a wet look that feels so nice to touch.

Not an installed item

Reviewed by: - Anonymous Reviewer

Car Polish and surface protectant


I have been in the professional car detailing business for 13 years and have found little that compares with this product. Outstanding optical clarity and shine as well as durability, Sorry Meguiar's. Had the experience of a Mazda MX5 (Miata) along the great ocean road in Victoria, Australia.(Hire car) What a car!. Exceptional road manners.Can't wait till the kids leave home so I can get one.

Reviewed by: Mike Page -

Silicon resin polish

Have used this exclusively for over 10 years on clear coat and non clear coat finishes.

This is a very easy product to apply using terrey cloth or similar - small circles (usual stuff). Remove with clean terrey cloth constantly turning cloth. Works very well on dark colors (black GTI in San Diego, stil looks new). Major advantage is that this polish feeds the paint, giving a very deep shine. It also lasts for a couple of months in So Cal sunshine, which not many polishes do. Highly recommended, and no I do not work for them, it's just that good!

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3 August, 2008

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