Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter
AutoRX is a cleaning and reconditioning agent that uses the fluid its added to as a carrier to clean deposits, sludge, varnish, grime, etc from parts. It also reconditions seals. It is a slow process but it is very effective. You just have to be patient
I am very satisfied with this product. I have used it in multiple vehicles with great results. Those 10 minute flushes are very aggressive and can damage your engine. AutoRX is a slow process, and you can use it in pretty much anything that uses fluid: engine, manual and auto trannies, power steering system, rear differential, hydraulic systems. I use it in the engine, manual tranny, rear diff and power steering systems of 2 vehicles. Does a great job of cleaning and reconditioning whatever it's used in.
It's not cheap, but you are getting your money's worth. You will be amazed at what it cleans out of an engine. I would use it again, and as a matter of fact I just bought another bottle. Frank the inventor is a knowledgeable guy who is willing to answer your questions.
Not an installed item
Back to Product Reviews | 29 January, 2006 |