Miata Speed

novus plastic polish #2

[10/3/2006] Reviewed by: Jan Conway

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Novus plastic polish #2

Amazing results! I had a very hazy,scratched and somehwat yellowed window that was making me think i should buy a hardtop. With an application of the polish to both sides the window looks like new, seriously. No special techniques, just follow the directions on the bottle. I wasn't expecting the results i got. I would skip the Novus Polish Mates next time because as far as I can tell they're paper towels. Otherwise highly recommended.

Not an installed item

Novus #2 Fine Scratch remover for plastic (bezels and rear windows, etc.)

[1/24/2005] Reviewed by: Jon L. Jacobi - jon@jonljacobi.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Fine silicate plastic polish and scratch remover

I've used this product on both plastic rear windows (BMW) and the clear instrument panel bezel on my Miata. The results in both cases were beyond my wildest dreams. The rear window was like new and the stuff removed all the minute scratches and gray spots caused by Formula 2000 overspray on my bezel. The bezel is better than new--you can hardly tell it's there. Before you replace either-try this stuff, it's amazing.

Apply to a very soft cloth and rub the stuff lightly in a circular motion onto the surface to be repaired. Wait till it dries, then buff it off with another clean cloth. Repeat several times and you will find yourself breaking into a smile. I was expecting squat and now I swear by the stuff. A under-advertised gem of a product.

Not an installed item

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