Buddy Club Spec Racer Seat

[8/13/2005] Reviewed by: Jeff - s13sway@gnail.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Buddy Club Spec Racer Full Bucket Seat.

This seat is unbelieveable, And unbeatable. I purchased this seat for about 400 dollars and it is worth every cent. The seat is compareable to a bride zeta 3 as far as holding capabilites. I would not reccomend this seat for anyone with waist size above 32 inches. There is a wide version but I do not think it will fit in a miata. Installing wasent too bad. Just fitting the brackets and such was a pain. The shoulder wings fit perfectly inside the seating area. And the seat itself only weighs about 11 pounds. I highly reccomend this seat to anyone with a 32 inch waist and wants a seat that will plant them firmly in the car.

Best seat for 400 dollars, PERIOD.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

Back to Product Reviews 1 October, 2005