Maruha Motors

Sullivan Racing Products

Miata Aluminum race pedals

[8/17/2019] Reviewed by: Dan Rivera

Applicable to: '99-'05 1.8 liter

Sullivan racing products Miata aluminum race pedals Grid design Style black Purchased though Moss motors #909261

Installed the pedals in my 1999 MX-5 and noticed an improvement in the feel of the clutch pedal. Pedals quality is good but not a great fit on the brake and clutch pedals without modification.

Sullivan racing products Miata aluminum race pedals Grid design Style black Purchased though Moss motors #909261 Installed the pedals in my 1999 MX-5 and noticed an improvement in the feel of the clutch pedal. Pedals quality is good but not a great fit on the brake and clutch pedals without modification.

I began with the gas pedal, the stock accelerator pedal has holes, so I installed two of the short screws provided on one end of the race pedal and found the best fit. If you have a wobble just rotate it. Select the required tools and install the race accelerator pedal.

Test fit the brake pedal and you will notice the pedal needs to be curved to match the curved stock brake pedal. Capture the race pedal with scrape wood in a secure vise. Using a rubber mallet lightly reshape the race pedal to match the curve of the stock pedal.

I used tape to help guide the race pedal on the stock pedal to line up for drilling. Using a scrap piece of wood to secure the pedal, I drilled pilot holes, final size holes and installed the pedal. Repeat for clutch pedal. For the foot pedal just remove it from the vehicle. Place the race footrest on the stock part, clamp and drill. I installed different hardware than provided in the kit. Schedule about 2.5 hours, keep it fun.

As with any job the right tools make it manageable so here is the list:

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

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16 October, 2019

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