Moss Low Profile Lights

Moss Motors Low Profile Headlights

[8/25/2008] Reviewed by: Chris Schuldt - chris@reliaconinc.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Moss Motors Low Profile Headlights

Overall the installation went as documented in the instructions. There was at least one shortcut I employed that made the job easier. It is not necessary to remove all 6 rivets on the removed OEM headlight stop bracket. You can remove only the top two rivets and simply cut the bracket off at the apex. My only complaint is pitiful wiring sent with the kit. Instead of sending H9 bulb connection plugs (less than $20.00 total) for each headlight, Moss supplies wires with speaker connections on the ends for connection to the headlight pins which is no where near water proof. the cost of this kit is already high enough to make its value questionable. Not providing quality waterproof headlight connections does not help.

Overall the kit works well and looks pretty nice. Better wire connections would be a plus and I would have gladly paid the extra $20.00 for the right connectors which I did in the end anyway.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Moss Low Profile headlights

[3/4/2008] Reviewed by: bill keksz - bill_keksz@comast.net

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Replaces deer-hiding headlights with newt-hiding headlights.

The supplied Hella H9 low beam is a z-beam, as is the case on many new cars, like our '06 Subaru Outback. There is a central hot spot that I wish was spread out. Cutoff is probably a bit sharper than the Subie's, probably about the same as the Hella E-code. Not as sharp as I remember (from a long time ago) the cutoff on the Cibie Z-beams I had in the x1-9. As for high beams - the Hella E-codes had a bit of an issue with aiming - the high beam being centered slightly too high relative to the low. This varied a bit with bulbs, and was a minor irritant. That, of course, is not a problem with the H9 setup. OTOH, the H9 high beam also has a bit of hot-spotting. It appears to my eye that Hella intended the high to be on along with the low, but it's a minor effect. I may add some relays to enable this. Someday. At any rate, I've found it necessary with both the Hella E-codes and the H9's to augment cornering light with Hella MicroDE's. I sense a conspiracy. As for why I went with the Moss setup - Since we moved to an area with more rolling terrain a few years back, the barn doors had been more noticeable, sometimes blocking exactly where I was looking for deer. Not a problem now.

Thay are a bit trick to install, and may need some bending. I sugget installing without the lights, just to see how things line up. Also, I damaged the plastic adjuster fittings inserting them into their respective holes in the bucket; after getting replacements from rallylights.com, I chamfered the back of the hole edges by running a drill bit in reverse, then spraying with rustoleum primer.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Moss low profile lights

[4/12/2005] Reviewed by: Jason - peetsma@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Moss Low Profile Headlights

It took me an entire afternoon to install, but it was well worth it. I did countless hours of researching Brainstorms vs moss, and i am glad i slected moss. If you are looking for an HID look, these are projected headlights with an H9 bulb. Check out an RX7 coming down the road at night, this set up looks exactly the same. It also makes the car look more aggressive and sporty. Mazda should have equiped this car in the first place with there. Excellent product, excellent quality, and easy to install for anyone who can do an oil change.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Moss Motors Lo-Profile Headlights

[11/15/2004] Reviewed by: Lee Bohon - lee@topdownmx5.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Low profile dual lamp headlights.

I bought these headlights several months ago when they went on sale at Moss Motors. The reason I bought them was because I liked how they looked and I liked the idea of lower rising headlights. Much to my surprise, these headlights are pretty amazing! Very bright yet they are designed not to glare into oncoming drivers. I used to have Xenon charged H4 filments in 'Eurolites' conversion lamp housings. These were brighter than the standard big round OEM bulbs, but this lo-pro headlight setup provides significantly better visibility. The fitment of the kit is really quite good. At $400 for the kit, it isn't cheap. Actually... it seems a bit over priced but I have no regrets. Looks good and functions great.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Moss Low Profile Headlamp Conversion

[7/22/2004] Reviewed by: Russell Hodgson - www.hodgpodg@optusnet.com.au

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Low profile twin headlight conversion.

Very happy experiance with the product.

After waiting like a kid for a new toy,the lights arrived. The instructions are easy to follow, the kit is well made, with no need to remove the brass bushes from the old assembly. The hardest job was getting the the screws out to remove the painted body panel that covers the lights. I had to grind the heads of the screws, the kit comes with new ones. On completion my only concern was how good will these little lights be. Well they are great much better than the stock lights. No more blind spots from the barn doors when driving. The light pattern is easy to adjust from the front of the car. But bonus they look fantastic. Would recomend this kit with no hesitation , well done MOSS.

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

[4/13/2004] Reviewed by: Andrew Searle

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Moss Motors Low Profile Dual Headlamp Kit

It is a very good kit that results in an exceptionally well executed product. The lights look great, but more important the lighting output is excellent. Instructions are decent, however, picture quality and resolution are poor. Also see below, the instructions make install more difficult.

IMPORTANT INSTALL TIP The Moss instructions have you remove the headlight upper stop bracket. These are mounted on the car with 6 spot welds. You need to center punch each spot weld, then pilot drill, then drill with 5/16" bit. A very difficult and messy proposition. My first bracket I got off but it does not look pretty. Instead - use a dremel with a few grinder bits. Cut the bracket off about a half inch off the bottom, grind smooth, and then paint. This saves close to 2 hours of back breaking and frustrating work, and still allows the new headlamp assembly to operate. I did this for the other headlight and it worked great and was much easier.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

[11/12/2003] Reviewed by: Rick Hamby - richamby@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Moss Low Profile Headlights for '90 to '97

You have to drill, chisel and remove a brace from both sides of your car to install this kit. It's a little scary. There is no turning back. Is it worth it...YOU BET IT IS! These lights are a pain to assembly and install but they work great and look great! The low beam pattern is excellent, the high beam is very good and the low profile look is just awesome!

The product was recieved with a missing headlight adjuster. The first guy I called at Moss couldn't send a replacement without a part number. The kit has no part number list included. The second guy I talked to later in the day, left his desk, opened a box and figured out what I needed. My suggestion is that you go through the installation instructions and determine that all the parts are included before you start removing the factory headlights. If took three days for the part to arrive. All is well and I thank Moss for having some great employees.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

[10/22/2002] Reviewed by: Mike Benishek - benishek@pcsonline.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97

Moss Low Profile Headlight Conversion Kit Used to remove the stock "air brakes" created by the original headlights...

Great Conversion Kit !!!

Had the Mid Tenn Miata Aerolites for 5 months. Threw them away after the acrylic covers broke when I shut the hood. Got the Moss Low Profile lights for $369 at the Moss website. WHAT A CHANGE !!! Vastly improved light pattern, GREAT QUALITY, clear directions, easy installation @ 2 1/2 hours. Don't waste your time on the other kits out there, this one is the best !!! This kit rocks !!!

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

[4/15/2002] Reviewed by: lars - gaustabl@telnett.no

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

two smaller lights that replace the original big round lights.

I had the "original" low profile kit from brainstorm installed, but the were not legal i Norway, and peple kept flashing their lights at me because the bsp kit is actually 4 hi beam lights, not 2 lo beam+2 high beam. The moss kits consists of propper hi and low beam lamps from hella. Definatly better light boyh on hi and lo, and no more annoyed meeting cars !!!!

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

[1/25/2002] Reviewed by: Nathan Noble - mazdaphile@hotmail.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Two small headlights per side that replace the large stock lamp.

I purchased them from Moss for $429 and recieved them in 3 days. You must first assemble the lamps into their brackets before you can instal them on the car, I did this the night before and it saved me some time in the driveway the next day.I highly recommened marking on a wall or garage door where your factory lights shine before you take them out, it will help allot when the time comes to aim the new ones.The supplied instructions and pictures could have been a little better but there aren't a whole lot of parts to confuse yourself with so it is easy to get what the instructions are trying to say. There is a large backing washer that I had to grind down a little with my dremel tool because it supposed to go up against a 90 degree bend in one of the brackets and could have been substituted with a slightly smaller washer. Instalation was easy overall.

I love the looks of the car now, I was surprised that the low beams are the two inner lights rather than the outer pair but it actually looks great because they are centered above the yellow running lights at night. The low beams are also a "projector" style lamp with a very sharp cutoff to keep from blinding oncoming drivers. At night the low beams have a much wider light pattern to illuminate more road and the high beams will probably blind anyone up to and including low flying aircraft

Over 30 minutes to remove completely

Reviewed by: Bob Perry - captbob@silcom.com

Replace stock wind dams with low profile light units.

One of my colleges at the Ford dealership I work at needed to move a Ford F250. Instead of clearing the area behind him at night he backed about 100 feet and hit my 94 M edition, opening up a large hole in the right front fender, denting the hood and putting a large scratch on one of the headlamp covers. A little work with the insurance company netted me an excellent repair and a new set of low profile headlamps from Moss Motors in Goleta, CA.

Although the rectanglular shape is somewhat at odds with the rounded shapes of the Miata the Lights look very nice, pop up half the amount of the old stock lights, and provide a better view of the road with the view not blocked as they were, and the light output is better than the stock units...a more "European" light pattern with a definate cut off when on low beams and better long range lighting. I'm still considering a pair of Catz or PIAA lights...Any comments?

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22 November, 2008

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