Treasure Coast Miata


Denso Iridium Spark Plugs

[10/20/2008] Reviewed by: Scott Lelievre -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 '06+ 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Denso Iridium Spark Plugs

These came as the OEM plugs in my 04 Mazdaspeed. At ~19,000 miles the car developed a very rough idle that was resonating through the whole chassis. I changed out the plugs to standard NGK's and the problem went away.

These plugs cost 6X what a standard spark plug costs($12 vs. $2) and in the end had no real advantage. The life of them wasn't much if any longer. My car actually feels better with standard plugs. Save your money and stick with good copper core NGK's.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

Denso Iridium spark plugs

[11/18/2001] Reviewed by: Erik Shauger -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Denso Iridium spark plugs cooler heat range for supercharger.

Installs just like another spark plug.

They cost about $15.00 each and claim to give better responsiveness and up to 5 Hp. I got them online. Just did a search and bought the ones with the best price. I installed them just before I installed my JRSC. I really didn't feel a difference from the NGK's. Although I have no detonation with a SC and MSD and my timing set at 15 degrees. This car is also driven in 90+ degrees. At least I won't have to change plugs anytime soon, they have a 50,000 mile guarantee.

Under 30 minutes to remove completely

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