Folia Tec Caliper Paint

[8/12/2001] Reviewed by: Ken Johnson -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 +

Folia Tec Caliper Paint

This was my first "do it yourself" mod on my new 01 Base Model Miata. I decided on red because I wanted a dash of color on an otherwise all black vehicle. I bought the paint kit (brake cleaner and a two-part paint mixing system) from Xtremesports through the Corvette Forum. I believe it was around 40.00 delivered. I did all four calipers in a day; mainly because of drying time and the fact that I had to jack-up one wheel at a time--three times. The instructions recommend two coats, but I did three, which I thought was necessary for complete coverage. Even doing three coats, I have enough paint left over to do touch-up in a year or two. I'm very happy with the results, though I wish the red wasn't quite so RED. I'm sure it will dull a bit over time. I recommend this product and feel it is well worth the 40.00.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

Back to Product Reviews 15 December, 2001