

Bend-Pak XP-9F 2 Post Auto Lift

[6/5/2007] Reviewed by: Tony Cooper -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 '06+ 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Bend-Pak Model XP-9F 2 post auto lift Lifting Cap. 9,000 lbs. / Max. Lift Ht. 82" / 45 Seconds Lifting Time / Overall Ht. 128" / Min. Pad Ht. 4.25" / Motor 220v AC 60Hz 20 Amps / Overall Width / 132" / Width between posts 102" / Drive-thru clearance 93" /

If you have the garage space and work on your own autos, this is a great addition. I installed it in two days. Everything needed to install is included in the kit except for hydraulic oil. Quiet, reliable, safe. Excellent support from both vendor and manufacturer. Cost just over $2K. I wish I had bought it years ago. I would buy again.

Vendor Price is lower if you call them. Installation instructions were incomplete (several key steps were missing!) which caused me to revisit several steps. They are currently being corrected.

Not an installed item

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4 July, 2007

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