Miata Speed



[12/11/2006] Reviewed by: lARRY lOHKAMP

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 '06+

Fresnel lens cling that attaches to upper part of the windshield enabling us tall people to see traffic lights without ducking.

The product can be hard to use when looking into the sun. The performance of the lens is not good enough to see good detail, but is more than adequate for determining the color of the traffic light while stopped.

I had it on my last Miata for 4 years and will be putting it on the current one soon.

Under 5 minutes to remove

Lite-Site from Vintage Auto Parts

[10/19/2004] Reviewed by: Harell R. Coley - hrcoley@netzero.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 +

An acrylic prism that attaches to the windshield header and displays stoplights so that the driver doesn't have to crouch down to see the redlight under the header bar.

About six months.

I was taken aback by the price, but gave it a shot anyhow. The prism has two magnets cast into the base and the header bar is plastic, so that was a problem. I solved it by getting a scrap piece of thin steel from a machine shop (.5"x2") and duct-taping it to my header, then the lite-site would stick. Once I decided that the thing actually worked I got a piece of polished stainless steel the same size, with two slots machined out for the protruding magnets, and glued the acrylic to it with super glue. I then used two #6x.75" sheet metal screws to attach it to the header bar. I worried about the screws holding but the installation seems very secure. I'm six foot tall and this things works great -- no more bending down with my head cranked around waiting for the light to change.

Under 5 minutes to remove


[8/15/2001] Reviewed by: David Wells - ego@davidwells.com

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99 + 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

"Windshield Traffic Light Viewer", a static-cling fresnel lens roughly 6" x 2" that is affixed to the top of the windshield to improve your view of the traffic light while waiting for it to change.

Funky at first. I don't wear bi-focals, but I can imagine this is what it's like. When I tried to focus on the image on the lens, I got dizzy. By the next day, I learned to look "through" it seeing either "green" or "red" in my periphery. Especially helpful when first in line under a traffic light. Better for fixed-head coupes and those (occasional top-up days) but effective top-down, too.

Works well. Transferable to other vehicles (static-cling). About $15 w/ tax+shipping, it's a little pricey for a strip of plastic, but the best inventions are simple, aren't they?

Under 5 minutes to remove

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