MK Sportscars


Magellan Gps 2000

[7/23/2008] Reviewed by: -

Applicable to: '90 - '97 '99-'05 '06+ 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Touch Screen with Speaker directions! Many versions and sizes, USA, Canada, Euro, Mexico, Hawaii, etc.

99% great, but does not like super HEAT, like 120+ while being baked in the car with direct sunlight!

A must item. If your driving fast with top down, use an ear bud plug into it so you can hear the directions. If not, just watch for the Screen Signals! Can be hooked into "Ipod" jack, or FM transmitter accessory. SD card and battery back up for 3 hours too. Used under $100, new versions cheaper than Garmen.

Under 5 minutes to remove

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10 August, 2008

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