I.L. Motorsport

Monster Miata

Monster Miata louvered hood

[8/26/2012] Reviewed by: Keith Kimble

Applicable to: '90 - '97 1.6 liter

Stock hood modified (louvers added) by the guys who did the monster miata (Ford 302 rammed into NA).

Just installed a month ago.

After several years, a Koyo radiator, Motul oil to water oil cooler, etc I'm still fighting the battle of a hot-running NA with FM I turbo. Water temps OK, but oil and likely underhood temps still annoying. Thought I'd try a louvered/extractor hood. Monster miata guys still make these hoods, and will either modify your old one or sell you one of theirs. Shipping is not cheap (to/fro San Diego) and core charge isn't much more than one way ship, so I kept my old hood. The one they sent me was very nicely done, and I suspect the quality (in terms of fit and finish) beats any of the fiberglass or CF alternatives out there. Louvers more subtle than most of the alternatives, but that's OK with me too. Effectiveness remains to be seen. Water temps arguably a bit lower (they were never high), oil unchanged, underhood who knows but at least non-start after heat soak no longer seems to happen. Realistically, you'll put $1,000 into this by the time you are done if you wan! t a quality paint and install, so bear in mind.

Difficult to remove without leaving damage

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27 January, 2013

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