
MX-5 Performance Projects by Keith Tanner

MX-5 Performance Projects by Keith Tanner

[1/10/2007] Reviewed by: Aaron Thorp - aaron_roch@yahoo.com

Applicable to: '99-'05 '06+ 1.6 liter 1.8 liter

Performance projects book

Excellent how-to book for the home mechanic covering typical maintenance items and common performance upgrades. The author's no-nonsense writing style and excellent color pictures will make this book your preferred reference for any task that it covers. Excellent value for the price.

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MX-5 Performance Projects by Keith Tanner

[1/29/2005] Reviewed by: John Wood - turbojohngt@yahoo.ca

Applicable to:

Performance projects book for the mazda miata

This is quite simply the best 20 bucks a miata geek could ever spend on their miata.It has just about every answer you could think of when your stumped working on your car.Every thing from the most basic stuff (oil,tranny,rearend,brake,fluid changes)to your more involved stuff (Timing belt,water pump,slave cylinder,niosy HLA's,Convertable top replacement)to the most extreme jobs (Pulling the motor,Torsen swap,1.8 motor swap,NB to NA Head swap,Clutch,The dreaded short nose failure fix)and last but not least,it has EVERY performance how to upgrade from front to rear bumper.There's even cool sections on how to get your miata ready for the track,and how to shelby stripes!What makes this book so impressive is the constent use of big clear color photos of all the projects to show you exactly what the author is trying to explain in any given project.And yes there are torque specs for everything as well so your not going "I "THINK" that should be tight enough"! So to wrap it up,the next project you tackle on your pride and joy,do yourself a favor and invest the best 20 bucks you'll ever spend on your miata.In my opinion no miata do it yourselfer should be with out it.

Oh ya!Almost forgot!It's even signed by the author himself!

Not an installed item

Back to Product Reviews 4 February, 2007

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