Apex Wheels

Skidmarks Miata Archive

Last update: 8 May, 2004

Hot Hood Horns!!

From our only in Japan department - Finally a way to carry fishing poles with a Miata.

Mini Lambo

Notice anything "Miata" about this Jetta? Check out those wheels.

The "Sticker Man"

Disney Ride

Who needs an alarm system?


Hot Wheels

Rusty looses a bet as she discovers the trunk handle does
actually glow in the dark on her 2002.

Apparently the Melbourne police in Australia travel in style.
A tip of the Skidmarks hat to Alf Katz for this picture.

These pictures were sent in by the ever Phunny Phredd.

Just wish I hadn't purged the drains in my garage.

Yours truly seeing if the new Mazda logo, sculpted in ice, stands up to the taste test.

This odd photo was taken by Don Nieto and shows a sign taped to a rake, stuck through a hole in the plastic window and look closer....it's raining!!

Ah finally, my own parking spot.

Cool coat rack! Recognize these babies?

New non-aerodynamic nose protector undergoes testing.

The Mighty Von Youenz and Fez wounder what some Corvette wheels would look like on a Miata.

Eric Amador testing his Miata's off-road abilities at Thunder Hill.

Too bad the last M Edition was a '97.

This owner specifically asked me not to mention his name.

This pic from Werner Cassel shows how to stay in the shade.

Brad-n-Kristy sent in this photo and said, "Who needs airbags?

The 2003 Miatas include the new mandatory inside trunk release handle.
Mini-me is now safe.

If you're gonna make believe your Miata has tilt steering, you might as well throw in some power seats too.

Collector's Edition?!?

Yes, perfect!!

Road Warrior

Roll Cage…check.
5 point harness…check.
Luggage rack…check...

These trailer wheels brought a smile to our face.


Make that one thousand and one uses for packing tape.

Where are the white walls to go with those curb feelers?

Here are two guys you don't want driving your Miata.

When two speakers behind your head is not enough.


You can never have enough trunk space.

Tony DeSantis Jr. sent this shoot of his hard working Miata.

Keeps your hand dry between shifts!

Saw this temporary hood prop at the track one weekend.
Hey kids don't jam flammable items into your hot engine compartment!

Meow! Thanks to Gonzalo Carmona for this feline capture.

Gary Kelly found this add and said "If you can't spell it, don't sell it."

Mary Kay Miata!!

Hey, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter!

Speakers?! We don't need no stinking headrest speakers.

Brian Bogardus, who found this beauty, said it best: "This puppy is really loaded!"

From our "Only in Japan Department" comes this photo found by Erik Anderson.

Here is a "find" sent in by Jim Finlayson. The ad reads "well maintained", but we'd bet they have been driving that thing off road.

A tip of the Skidmarks hat to Dewaine Glyda who sent in this picture of a palm tree toting Miata. Watch out for those falling coconuts!

Steve Peterson found this truly "rare" Miata. "FWD" is Front Wheel Drive.

Two people, four sunglasses?

The gas crisis is coming!

Small trunk space? Problem solved!

Here is an interesting idea for carrying bikes...but what if it rains?

But I had my heart set on salt water.

Wow, this guy got more things wrong than right.
The hard top fits all years and there is no '98 Mazda.

Here is a jewel from eBay! A company selling Miata tops boasts how much they know about Miatas and shows this photo of how well the boot fits with the top lowered. Notice the boot has been installed over the cockpit brace? Like a glove, eh?

Who said the Miata doesn't have a back seat?

Wow! A rare red Miata.

OK, we believe the sport part, but "utility"?

If this Miata has "tilt wheel steering", something is broken.

This guy looks as if he just re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.

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