RR Motorworks

Brain Storm Low Profile Headlight Installation

1. Remove the 4 screws holding the black plastic cover on your headlights..

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Then remove the cover itself.

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2. Loosen the 4 bolts holding the body colored headlight cover in place.

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Then lift the body colored headlight cover off the headlight assembly.

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3. Remove the wiring harness from the headlight bulb.

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There are two plastic tabs that you have to squeeze to get it off.

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4. A few inches back from the connector, there is another fastener holding the wiring harness to the headlight bucket.

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Remove this by squeezing the two tabs on the outside of the bucket.

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The fastener will slide right out,

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and then just set the harness out of the way.

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5. Remove the crank rod from the retractor motor.

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Place a flat blade screwdriver on each side of the pivot and twist them to pop it off "straight away". The bucket will now drop down into the closed position.

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