The MX-5 Miata of the Month from

werkman1.jpg (17782 bytes)August 2000

Colin Cheng

Congratulations to Colin on the selection of his Miata as our
Miata of the Month!

werkman2.jpg (21570 bytes)For quite some time, after recieving my driver's license, I wanted a convertible. I live in Vancouver BC, Canada. So in the north west, there are many scenic beaches, parks, and mountain views. My first car had to fit in a certain criteria. Nothing big, good gas mileage, and great looking! Simple eh? Searching at a near-by auto mall in 1990, my search for a drop top car came to an end. Wow! Was she beautiful! Sparkling red, top down, and just gorgeous! My name was all over this girl, and right away I walked into the dealer and asked how much for the car, financing options, and can I take it for a test drive?

Pulling at the driver side chrome handle, stepping into the car, turning the key, and VROOM! The engine is alive! I couldn't believe how easy the car was to drive, not a single sweat that I got from driving other cars just for pulling out of the parking lot! Amazing, too simple I thought...the car is light with 50/50 weight distribution and such easy accessability to the top. I asked the salesman, is this a stock car because this seems to be a show model instead! After driving a few laps around the automall, I called my parents and asked them to make come take a look and go for a drive. The car and I were a perfect couple, my mother said. My father on the other hand was more positive towards the price, and so dad helped me negotiate on the options and 1 hour later, done deal!

So far so good, I have been to the beach, city strips, parks, and business meetings. Every where I go, I still feel so comfortable in my MX-5. Not to mention the looks and the excellent comments I recieve. The past years, I have beens always updating from the and taking a look at what's hot this month to do my shopping. So far from head to toe, wheels, exhaust, headers, catalytic, style bar, low profile headlights, and a silver-gold paint job! My goodness, now a days my finacee is jealous of how much I spend on the car and not her! But the creativness is an expectation Miata's provide. Every other Miata owner I meet in a parking lot or auto mall always ask me where do I get those items? I tell them 8 letters. MIATA.NET.

My Miata and I have also been printed in local newspapers for finding a missing child. 3 years ago, I was driving on a local highway coming from work late at night. Looking to the left on the road was a child addressing me with a hitch hiking thumbs up. I pulled over and stopped the car and asked if he needed a ride home. The child said no but wanted me to drive him further away and off to the next exit where I would take. I asked him to come into the car, and turned up the heat because I can see that he was extremely cold. I drove him to a near by fast food restaurant and bought a few burgers. So we talked for a while, he explained that depression and trouble at home forced him to make this decision of not returning. After telling me his name, I waited for him to go to the washroom, and called the police. Soon after, the police came with the parents and the child went home. 2 weeks later, the family invited me over for dinner and provided me a free 1 years worth of gas! Apparently the father of this missing child owned a gas station! Since then, I have been a big brother for the boy, and he helps me out at the gas station to do my oil changes and tire rotations! Now my little brother and I have bonded so well because we have a common interest in the car. I have never been so proud of myself, and all because of my Miata!

I can still remember my first day at the auto mall with the car. I was acting like an out of control boy, but years later all grown up, my attitude has not changed since then. The only conclusion, this car is my first love and Miatas can do mysterious things with the heart!


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