Redline Automotive Accessories
The MX-5 Miata of the Month from

June 2001

Philip A. Moore and Effie

Congratulations to Philip on the selection of Effie as our
Miata of the Month!

"Effie" was "born" May of 1996 in Hiroshima, Japan. She came to me on April 22, 2000 as a previously owned cream puff base car with AC & PS and a mere, verifiable, 23,286 miles. From her appearance and by close inspection of all the body parts (topside, underside, inside, outside, etc.) and thorough mechanical and electronic inspection and diagnostics of virtually every component and moving part, it was apparent she was lovingly cared for by her previous owner. No evidence of damage, all the body panels ID's matched, no fading, dents, scratches or grime on the exterior or interior, etc.

Why the name "Effie"? Actually I'd been calling the car "The Miata" until I noticed on the internet that many owners named their cars. I figured, what the heck, I'll call it "Effie". The name "Effie" came to mind as suitable since Effie was the name of a legendary or fabled (who knows) madam of Athens, GA who, it has been said, often gave the young male students of the Univ. of Ga. a "fine ride and left them with a grin on their face". Not unlike our Miata experience. The car gives me a fine ride and always puts a grin on my face. The wife likes it, the car, as well.

Why did I buy a Miata, and why only recently? Like most sports car owners, I've always liked them, and owned two back in the 60's. One was a used red '67 TR that I owned as a graduate student at the Univ. of Ga. in '67-'68. The second was a BRG '69 TR I purchased new in late summer of '68. It met an untimely and grisly demise in a 5 car pile-up in Charleston W. VA. It was the last one in. "Threshold" braking from 55mph (just shifting out of 3rd for 4th) did not help. A last second swerve when the car to my right yielded to my plight was unsuccessful. (Can you believe that cars were actually stopped in the left lane on an four lane expressway?) My loving wife cared so much for her children that she forbade my ever owing another sports car "until the youngest was out on their own". Every time I brought a sports car home (there were two attempts, a '68 used red TR-IRS and a '69 BRG A-H 3000 ) she said something about not wanting to have her children only seeing their father by visiting his grave and inquiring if I liked sleeping alone on the sofa until that fateful day came, which she knew was imminent. Wives do have some magical power over their husbands.

It is probably coincidence or serendipity that "Effie" was born the same month that our youngest, our daughter, graduated from college, and thus gave me the freedom to look for and acquire a sports car. It took me four years of research and looking on the i-net and in the for sale ads to figure out what I was going to get and could reasonably afford.

Early on I ruled out the "Luxury" power "Roadsters" such as the BMW Z-3, Boxster, etc. as being too big and too expensive. Also, they lack by not having a "fun" aspect as associated with a light weight sports car that one can easily enhance, customize or modify to one's desire.

Although I dearly love and admire the old English "classics", they are horribly expensive to maintain, used, err "previously owned", ones are of uncertain heritage, and good ones are not only hard to find, but can cost more than a decent Miata.

Thus the Miata. I have NOT been disappointed.

I hope you never see me with the top up! Except to wash it. Well, it does snow sometimes here along Colorado's front range.

This is a nice pleasure / hobby / fun car. No racing, dragging, rallies, auto crossing, or other abusive activities. Well, yeah, I do often like to see how quickly she can get to the speed limit from a stop light, but I don't "burn rubber", and see how fast she can take tight corners..

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