The MX-5 Miata of the Month from

June 2003

Les Marsh

Congratulations to Les on his selection for the June Miata of the Month!

Bill Hix writes:
About two years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Les Marsh, a retired engineer, that now spends his time only working on Miatas.  I teach computer science at a college in Tennessee and work at NASA each summer and had purchased a used Miata from a former astronaut and needed some help with a problem that I was having.  It started a great friendship.  Mr. Marsh is very reserved and due to this fact, I am writing this story to nominate his car for the Miata of the Month.

Mr. Marsh started on this current project during the Christmas season, 2002.  His goal was to build a practical electric Miata.  Being an engineer from the old school, he did his homework before he ever started the project.  After he designed his plans, he started building his "E-Miata" on New Years day, 2003.  He proceeded to turn a 1991 Miata into an electric Miata.  He purchased a 120 volt DC motor and mounted it to the existing Miata transmission.  He stripped the body of all un-needed parts for weight savings and created his own wiring harnesses for this transformation.  All of the work was done by Mr. Marsh.

It took three months of dedication to complete the transformation from a normal Miata to an E-Miata.  He drives his car everyday and has really made a great commuter vehicle.

Some of the specs for the car are:

Mr. Marsh owns about 6 Miatas, so he is a real Miata lover.  He has placed a supercharged V8 in one of his Miatas, but I will tell you that the one that I know that took the largest amount of research is his E-Miata.  I found this car so unique and so well built that I could not resist recommending it as your car of the month.

Billy Hix


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