MK Sportscars
The Miata of the Month from

May 2011

Alvin Cheng and his 1990 Miata

Congratulations to Alvin on the selection of his all-purpose Miata as the April Miata of the Month!

Ripping around Sears Point Raceway.
Photo by Head-On Photos
Record to date: 10 pieces of 10' 2x4s and 2 pieces of 10' 1x6s, plus a trunk full of random stuff
Photo by Mary Pozzi

The Miata name supposedly originated from Reward in “Old High German”, and it certainly seems appropriate. I felt rewarded every time I'm behind the wheel, especially those warm smog free Northern California nights with the top down going nowhere in particular. It was even more rewarding chasing down a 600hp Shelby Cobra on track with my 100hp (when there is a tail wind) roadster and having a blast doing it.

So what did I do to deserve these daily rewards you might ask? Absolutely nothing! The previous two owners of my Miata were college friends of mine, so I have known this car since 2000. When the most recent owners needed a car that would fit a baby seat, they offered me their little red roadster. With my 1982 RX-7 promoted to trailer queen status (damn California smog laws!), a fun street car was exactly what the doctor prescribed.

As a way to redeem myself and actually justify my reward, I've been spreading the ways of the Miata by...

1. Who needs a pickup: I've often been spotted with 8-10' long 2x4s or aluminum stock wedged between the passenger seat footwell and the top of the rollbar (with the top down of course)

2. When bigger is better: I have a hidden trailer hitch with a race tire/storage box trailer for extra storage capacity

3. When two seats are not enough: Picture the scene from Batman Begins where Bruce Wayne pulls up in a black Lambo with two babes in the passenger seat. Been there! Done that!

  1. 4. Drivers wanted: I participate in countless autoxs, and am always happy to let someone else ride in or drive my Miata. With the recent addition of a Fatcat Motorsports S/A coilover setup, the car has impressed even the most opinionated drivers. At a recent autox school, I let one of my students drive my car after taking a lap in his Honda, he is now hooked and actively looking for a Miata. At the same school, a friend of mine took his student out for a run in my car. The student's preexisting notions of a “girlie” car went out the window after the first apex. Not bad for a 21 year old car!

This car has been my daily driver, autoxer, and track car for the last three years, I sure hope I'm doing enough to be justify this daily dose of reward!

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