The Miata of the Month from

April 2012

Mark Booth and his 1990 MX5 Miata


Congratulations to Mark on the selection of his 1990 as the April MX5 Miata of the Month!

I have owned my 1990 NA since she was just five years old and I am still proud to drive her around.

I originally bought the car in Wilmslow (south of Manchester), Cheshire, UK in 1996 and loved the car straight away.

In 2002, I moved from England to California and had the car imported which cost quite a bit...unfortunately the shippers didn't tell me about the import charges.

The car was in storage for three years as I travel a lot for my job and when I finally got her out she looked a little sad. At this point I wanted to get the car running like it used to.

In 2004, I moved to New Jersey for work and the car followed me about 2 years later. I drove from LA through Death Valley over the July 4th weekend in temperatures of 100+F and with no AC - not standard in the UK in 1990. I drove through Las Vegas, the Rockies in Colorado and Denver all the way to New Jersey. I got home with the car showing that she wasn't as healthy as I would have hoped.

That's when I joined the Miata mob in NJ and met a couple of great guys (Hi Bruce and Eric!) who introduced me to the concept of a turbocharged Miata. The difference was incredible - about another 100hp was added along with all kinds of extras such as an LSD, 6ULs, Bilsteins, a rollbar, intercooler and cool twin headlights.

Nowadays I am living in the twin cities and my car is going stronger than ever. She now has a new heart (a 1994 1.8L engine) a bigger turbo (a GT2871) as the other one seized up, and runs on E85 getting around 300 rwhp.

I can't wait for summer to get here so I can hit the open road with my trusty NA!

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