The Miata of the Month from

February 2014

Andrey and his airbagged Miata


Congratulations to Andrey on the selection of his Miata as the February Miata of the Month!

We got this note from Andrey in Russia a little while back. It's not as long as the usual Miata of the Month writeup, but we think his vision and the results of his hard work speak for themselves. - Ed.

Hey. I just bought my NC from a girl. And so, I started to make it lower and stanced by air suspension. I bought some shocks from other cars, bought air bags from SCANIA trucks and started to fit it in Miata. Alot of tryings were made. About 20-30 times i have unmount and mout shocks. And finally i made it. Have made the test period ride, happens some faults, when the car crashes down on ground, but anyway i fixed it and now i ride the good stance with wide pretty wheels and controlling my clearance. That's it. Now i love my Miata and ride it with pleasure.


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